Thursday, September 26, 2019


I realized that a lot of my senior lady friends have stopped cooking meals. They live alone and their grown children have left home. They longer desire to prepare a full course
meal and prefer to "eat out".

I still like to cook sometimes and
treat my friends to brunch
once or twice a year. I like to cook breakfast for them because
it does not require as much work
as a  dinner meal.

Regardless of what I am cooking,
I need quality kitchen gadgets and tools. The grip in my hands
is not as good as it once was. 
My son told me, that it was dangerous for me to keep using dull kitchen knives. He said that a dull knife and a weak grip was not a good combination. He also noticed my messy cuts of meat at the dinner table. 

My son's hobby is making custom 
made knives for hunting and 
construction.  He has also started  offering a new service-  knife sharpening. He has met men 
who upholster car seats and 
furniture that need their tools sharpened.  He was also
concerned about people using 
dull kitchen knives. 

His customers are happy because 
he has sharpened their tools. Their production and number of customers have increased.

Here is the business contact  information:


Several years ago, I was a perfume oil sales  person.   The perfume oil company I worked  for t aught a class on perfume classification. We ...