
Showing posts from February, 2014


I feel that a lot of today's fashions fit right in with the fashion statement that senior women want to make.   PERFECT JEANS MAKE THE WOMAN I don't want to wear baggy "Mom Jeans" and   I don't want my jeans to be so tight they show everything my mama gave me!   I always try on my jeans and I don't focus  on brand names.  The size, fit and cut varies from one brand to another.  I am petite so I  want relaxed or classic fit straight leg jeans. I make sure that the bottom of my jeans come to the top of my shoe.  I don't want to look short and dumpy. I worked with a lady who wore some expensive clothes.  Her pants never looked good because they were too short! I seem to be to tall  for some petite pants but to short for regular cut pants. I look for petite pants with the  length of the pant leg reaching  to 5 feet and 4 inches. I  have to try on at least 3 pairs in order to get the right fit.  The sizing is  different from one brand t


   I used to say I never forget a face. I would be lying  if I said that now! My friends and I laugh at some  of the things we forget.  We wonder if we can still walk and chew gum.  Senior jokes used to be funny when we were young but not any more. My friends and I have pledged to do things to keep our memory sharp.  I have always loved doing puzzles and word games.  I make sure that the games I do now help boost memory and improve my cognitive and logical thinking.   I do online memory card games. I play memory/match games for kids. It is easy and has low stress level. I am not upset when I  forget where the cards were placed.  I try to remember that this is not a contest,  it's a brain exercise. I keep playing it until  my score improves. This game is good for improving my short term memory.  AARP  has very good brain games too. I hope you enjoy playing these games as much as I do. I make sure I play one of these games daily. The brain must be exercised daily


  I was in the 5th grade in the 60's.  I  had a "nutty professor"  for a teacher.  He was high  strung and couldn't stand stress. He threw the chalkboard erasers at us when we misbehaved. Have you ever heard the phrase, "It's a small  world?"  I had an abscessed tooth and had to  seek treatment from a dentist.I disliked going  to the dentist because of my  pain tolerance. My friend referred me to her dentist.  I noticed  that the dentist had a family photo of him with two guys.  He said that they were his brothers. I thought I recognized one of the men. He said  that one brothers was named Clyde and he used  to teach. I told him where I grew up. I mentioned that I had a 5th grade teacher named Clyde. We couldn't believe it!  He said, "What a small world!!"   I asked him if Clyde was still teaching. He looked  sad and replied, " No, he is dead!" I told him that I was sorry to hear that. My shot was abo


  I was born  in 1951 and and I can remember some things which happened after age three.  My parents were amazed when I hold them what I remembered.  We lived with my grandparents until I turned age 5. I remember my babysitter rocking me in out huge white rocking chair. Some wasps had built a nest in our lovely chair.  My babysitter was rocking me while mom went grocery shopping. All that rocking made the wasps start to swarm.  There were a whole bunch around us. My baby sitter was so frightened that he dropped me in the process of running away.  The babysitter was my cousin and he was in big trouble. My mom arrived home early and she witnessed  the fiasco.   I only got one sting but he got five.  I was crying and so was Gerald.  My mom had to patch both of us up. I recalled that my granddad raised a few chickens.  My  brother was told to leave those chickens alone He continued mess with them when granddad went inside the house.  A few moments later my brother was r


The good Lord  blessed every woman with beautiful feature(s). The fashion conscience senior lady must know what her best feature(s)  is and keep it dressed up! She  knows what her skin tone is and whether she is warm or cool. A lady that knows what lipstick and make up shade works best for her skin tone has won the cosmetic battle. The method to find out what your skin tone is can get complicated. A lot of women may be both warm and cool no matter what race they are. There are a lot of YouTube videos that can help you determine whether you are warm or cool. I would go to a professional make up artist if I really wanted to know whether I was warm or cool.    I'm too old fashioned to go through the skin  tone maze.  I rub a little make up or lipstick  on the back of my hand.  If it looks good I  buy it. The rule of thumb on some fashion sites is shades pink for fair to medium skin  and  shades of red for olive to dark skin. I like to blend my lipstick shades s


   This  story begins with my heartbreak over hair loss due to age and hypothyroidism. It  was suttle at first. My center part became a wider and my scalp was dryer than usual.  I would have done something sooner if my hairdresser had been honest with me. I was her regular $60 per month customer and  she did not want me to stop. I did confront her about this later and told her I would not  be back.  She could have given me some  scalp treatment and kept me as a customer.  Her dishonesty cost her.   I have never been a vain person but I want to  look nice from head to toe. I prayed over my situation and was able to accept my hair loss. I stopped the pity party and looked for options. I went to my local health & wellness store.  A  sweet young lady told me about hair solution  hair products. I got the one that said it helps make thin hair thicker. I have allergies and it  had a ton of herbs in it.  I mixed it with a little olive oil to avoid