Thursday, February 3, 2022


I love blogging and choosing subjects to blog about can be tricky. I have avoided talking about the VIRUS!
However, two years later, I am still dealing with the VIRUS! I had no idea that I would experience
in my lifetime, Hurricane Fran in 1996,   North Carolina 24  inch Snowstorm in January 2000,  
and earthquake tremors while at work in 2011. Now I can add the VIRUS experience to my life's
challenges.  I'm attempting to blog about the VIRUS today.


I'm too old to be trendy; however, I have heard the phrase "game change" in T. V. ads.
 I feel like my life has experience a " GAME CHANGER" since the year 2020. 
I got phone calls asking me, "Have you heard about a killer virus?" I turned
on my favorite 7 pm Prime Time news show to verify this tale!  How about, 
I've been glued to TV ever since listening to the numbers of new
cases of people with the virus and the numbers of deaths. After 3\2020
my State required that you STAY HOME!  Restaurants, Churches, Gyms, 
Movie Theaters and Retail Stores were closed in my State. Air travel was 
restricted. The only place I went to in 2020 was the grocery store. I had
no visitors, no lunch dates, and  my family cancelled our annual Christmas
Dinner. In 12\20 people in  my age group 65 and older were allowed to get
vaccinated with Moderate and Pfizer shots. I have gotten both sets of shots
and the Booster. Whew, can I get a break from my side effect - migraine
headaches. I declare that I would rather have a headache than the VIRUS!!
I must keep my COVID Vaccination Card in my purse!! I left my card  at home
once and had to get a COVID test to prove I was VIRUS FREE before having 
minor surgery in June 2021.


I am a retired college graduate and Banker with a good vocabulary. There are
plenty of words that I have  rarely used since my retirement.  Well, that has changed.
Now terms my friends and I  use  frequently is :

Social Distancing, Hand Sanitizer, CDC & Government Mandates, Quarantine, First Responders, Pandemic,
Antibodies, COVID Tests,  Fully Vaccinated, COVID-19, Delta Variant, Omicron Variant,
COVID CARRER TRANSMISSION, Moderna & Pfizer Shots & Boosters, COVID Vaccination Card


I got a .letter from my church in 2020  telling me that  the church was closed and
Virtual Church Services would be  on Sundays and Virtual Bible Study on Wednesdays.
I should watch them on YouTube. Gosh, the only thing I had watched on YouTube was
cooking channels. I adapted and each Sunday I sit with tablet in hand taking
sermon notes. I mail my tithe into the church regularly. My brothers and my
girlfriends do monthly DUO calls. I was so proud of mysef. I learned how to
download the DUO app and take calls thanks to my son's instructions.
I have even done a  Virtual Doctor Visit. The first  one I did was a disaster.
My son came in and helped me. I felt like an idiot and I  looked like a homeless patient.
I didn't think about gettig dress up for my appointment.😂 I have learned Virtual
Etiquette. I make sure my room is clean and I am  nicely dressed before doing
Zoom or DUO calls.


This old fashionista's life has been changed by this VIRUS also. I no longer wear makeup 
and.lipstick in pubic.. I hate the hassle.of trying to remove the stains from my masks.
I force myself to dress up and wear make up on Sundays so I can feel almost normal.
The type of masks, quality of masks, the color.of.masks issues are.mind boggling.
Thank God, masks of all types and colors are My friend the quiltmaker,
made me twenty quality masks according to CDC guidelines.

 The shut-downs and mandates have been lifted. However, I still feel like I'm engaging in risky behavior
when I eat out in  restaurant. I am still not ready to travel long distances, attend concerts, and return
to community exercise classes. Maybe this time next year things will have significantly improved.
I pray that it will.



  I was preparing to bake banana bread for breakfast. The cake mix box felt lighter when I got it out of the cabinet. I was suspicious of pa...