Wednesday, October 26, 2022


I felt anxious when the Coronavirus ihit our state 2020. I thought surely this thing will be abolished by
2021. Well,  due to complicated reasons and circumstances, that virus is still here and has MUTATED!

I have concluded that I must continue to STAY SAFE, regardless of how long the virus stays around.
I was appalled when all restrictions were lifted in spite of CDC data showing virus mutation.
The news media stressed how Seniors and persons with pre-existing health conditions should be 
extra careful. It's obvious by now, that all ages need to be vigilant.  The first responders at the hospitals
can verify this fact.

I have gotten the latest Covid vaccines and boosters. These vaccines and shots give me migraine 
headaches; however, its a small price to pay to avoid getting the virus!

 I don't want to get the virus.   I continue to wear a mask when I leave my home,
go shopping,  or go to church.  I wear lightweight masks during hot weather  and
 cloth mask during the cold weather.  I rarely sit down and eat a meal at a restaurant. 
I usually buy take out meals from the drive through section. of restaurants. I carry
 hand sanitizer in my purse and wipe down  shopping cart handles. I maintain a social 
distance of 6 ft when I am in line at a store.  I wash my hands thoroughly when I enter
 my home after shopping in stores. My family has occasional gatherings for immediate
 family only. These family members  have gotten the  latest vaccines and boosters. 
My mother turned 90 years old this year and our family. members don't want to infect 
her with the virus. She has continued to remain virus free-Thank The Lord!

 So far my safety regimen has kept me virus free! Recently, the news anchor was taking about combination
flu and Covid variants being a problem this season. That should be enough warning to make
me continue to STAY SAFE!


  I was preparing to bake banana bread for breakfast. The cake mix box felt lighter when I got it out of the cabinet. I was suspicious of pa...