Thursday, March 22, 2018


I want to be fashionable in my old age. 

However, there are some styles of 

clothing that I'll leave for young ladies.

I have always avoided trendy clothes 

because they may only be fashionable for 

one season. 

I avoided capri pants until I realized that 

they were here to stay. They reminded me 

of the pedal pushers I wore when I was in 

high school.

I love capri pants and I wear them daily 

during the summer because they keep me 

cool on hot days. 

I love the trend of tunic styled women's 

tops. They are suitable for women any 

I don't care whether they stay fashionable
or not. I intend to wear them like they are a classic style.   Some of the tunics I see in the department stores remind me of the Nehru jackets I wore in high school.

1960s Nehru jacket pattern for women

I've noticed a lot of cut out women's tops lately. Some of them 
even have the shoulders cut out. I haven't decided whether
they are a trend or a style that is here to stay. I've been
trying to find some women's cut out tops that are not
too flashy.  I'm trying to find cut out tops that looks
like a classic and not too trendy. Here are some tops
that I might purchase:


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Saturday, March 10, 2018


I have joined the society of people with 

allergies. I know when spring and

fall allergy season is about to arrive.

My symptoms began before the official 

spring and fall dates given by the T.V. 


I started experiencing itchy eyes and

nose, sneezing, sinus congestion 

last week. I have to be careful because

I get "pink eye" from too much 

exposure to pollen.

We had 2 weeks of unseasonal warmth

and the flowering trees in my town started

blooming. My Japanese magnolia tree is 

full of purplish pink blooms.

The Crepe Myrtle Trees along the

highways look pretty now. The weather

in the Carolinas is fickle. we may have 

bitter cold temps and frost next week.

I have an arsenal of herbs and meds

to combat my symptoms.

I use herbal pills for the sinus congestion. 

Herbal cough drops and saline nasal

drops open up my sinuses too. It's 

amazing to me that simple saline nose 

drops work so well. The netty pot and

hot steam method was unnecessary.

I used allergy eye drops, capsules,

and pills for the itchy eyes and

sneezing.My doctor told me to avoid 

over the counter (OTC) decongestion
medication because it was elevating my 

blood pressure. I bought naturopathic

chewable tablets from the Natural Foods
Store. They eased my sinus pressure 

within 30 minutes!

I found a website (
that had instructions for relieving 

sinus pressure and headaches 

with acupuncture. This method worked

pretty well for me.

I found out the hard way, that I must

cover my ears with a headband or 

earmuffs on cold windy days. A severe 

sinus headache had me in tears because

I didn't cover my head and ears during 

cold weather. 

I no longer hate the spring and fall 

seasons because I have enough 

remedies to make my allergy 

problems bearable.


  I was preparing to bake banana bread for breakfast. The cake mix box felt lighter when I got it out of the cabinet. I was suspicious of pa...