Friday, May 13, 2022


I was so glad today was Friday! I rolled over in bed and cut the TV on. The news channel  I was listening to, had a strange tagline, Shortage of baby formula!.I sat up and  switched to another channel. It said the same thing-Shortage of baby formula!. I thought what would young mothers do!

I suddenly had visions of my Mother doing one of her daily chores She had to mix up baby formula.for my baby brother.
There was canned milk, bottled corn syrup, and a pot of boiled water on the table. She added the milk and corn syrup 
to the water.  Mom stirred the by aby formula several times until it was well mixed. Sometimes I helped her fill up 
the baby bottles.  The bottles of  milk were stacked in the fridge after they cooled off. 

I saw this recipe online:

DIY Baby Formula
13 oz canned Evaporated  Milk
19 oz Water 
2 tablespoons Corn Syrup

Wow!  This memory  seemed like ages ago. I was truly thankful that pre-mixed baby formula was available when
 I had my babies! My husband would fill up baby bottles with baby formula on his day off work. This by helped me
out so much because I worked full-time. 

One memory does lead to another! I also recalled that one of my duties was folding up cloth diapers. My Mom 
would give me a basket full of diapers which she removed  off the clothesline. The diapers smelled so good.
I also changed my baby diapers many times, so had to keep those diapers stacked up high!  I was also blessed
again when I had my babies.  Disposable diapers were sold in stores, so no more folding and washing coth diapers!!

I am retired now and enjoy it. I am so glad that I had grew up in an era when cell phones, microwaves, air fryers, 
and flat screen TV were not invented yet. I had to Rey on some of the old times skills when we had the Government
Shutdown 2 years ago. I couldn't rush to the grocery store because I was out of something. I made biscuits,  pie crusts,
and pound cakes from scratch. I still do it occasionally now. I never know when hard times may come back again!

Sunday, May 1, 2022


Many years ago, I only thought of herbs  as a cooking enhancement. My Mom loved using sage in  her Thanksgiving 
side dishes.  I used rosemary and thyme on my potatoes and chicken after seeing them in recipes. I discovered its 
homeopathic uses several years later

I do  recall her making me injest  spoonfuls of that ghastly cod liver oil to keep me from getting colds
and the flu. She had to catch me and my siblings and hold us down. We hated the taste  of  this stuff.

She also  told me to plant Catnip when my boys were babies. This was good for baby colick.  
She supplied the plants which I planted immediately. The side effect was, I found kittens
laying in my Catnip bush. Mother cats kept taking up residence, so I removed it. I had dogs
and wanted to avoid cat and dog fights.

I was in such misery when I was going through menopause. The Internet as just coming into existence and I must
say that one search engine Yahoo, helped me out tremendously. I used soy with Isoflavones pills to keep my symptoms
controlled. I tried Black Cohosh, but I had an allergic reaction to it. I learned a valuable lesson. Some herbs can have 
 side effect(s) just like prescription medicine(s) in some people. I discuss my herbals with my pharmacist to make
sure they will not interact with over the counter or prescription medicines. 

A friend of mine was selling herbals.  She invited me to a house party where the importance of herbals were discussed.
I was intrigued with the information about Melaleuca oil. It is also call Tea Tree oil and this is the common name.
A small bottle of this oil was expensive but I bought it anyway. I loved it and had to order it from her for about 2 years 
because it wasn't available locally. Pure Tea Tree oil is popular now and I can buy it at local drugstores. Dollar stores
 even have it available in tiny roll on bottles. Their version is a mild formula, so this great for people who dislike strong
 astringent smell. I give Tea Tree oil as gifts to my Diabetic friends with a note explaining it's uses. These friends tell
me this oil kept cuts on their feet from becoming severe. One friend had boils on her scalp and she applied the 
Tea Tree oil on them. They dried up completely in a few days and were no longer painful.

Here the the ways I use Tea tree oil

Tea Tree shampoo &  conditioner and hair gel
Pure Tea Tree oil:  
Dry scalp issues,  Mosquito and other bug bites, healing small cuts and abrasions, acne
Additive to my lotions and skin creams

Here is a link to a very good article online about Melaleuca Tea Tre Oil:



Several years ago, I was a perfume oil sales  person.   The perfume oil company I worked  for t aught a class on perfume classification. We ...