pay attention. Being attentive to my past life occurrences and consequences has made me wiser and
healthier. The main reason this happened was because of the grace of God! I embrace the longevity of
Seniors much older than myself. I respect them more than ever. My mom will be ninety ( 90 ) this
year. She still has more energy than I do at times. She will complete her chores no matter how long
it takes. She has arthritis but it doesn't stop her most days. She is still mentally sharp and will
chastise any one who thinks she is old and feeble minded. I admire and love her very much..
I was so amazed by an article I read in AARP online newsletter. A 95 year old woman was instrumental
in the making of Juneteenth as a national holiday. Here the link to this feature article:
This article in the Culture section of AARP online newsletter impressed me so much. It showed me that you're
never to old to pursue your dreams and make things happen! I still don't go out among crowds because
COVID-19 is still exist. I figured out how to celebrate Juneteenth my own way! I rummaged threw
my craft stuff to see what f I had anything colored yellow, red, green, and black. These were the. colors
on the online Juneteenth pages. I was able to make a paper wreath. Here is how I made it:
Materials Needed:
First, I made a cardboard circle and painted it black using a permanent black marker.
I made paper cones using 3 sheets of each color ( red, yellow, & green.). I cut each sheet of copy paper in half
and made cones out of each half. Each color of paper yielded 6 cones each.
Note: This image doesn't show all of the cones. 18 paper cones were used for the wreath.
I had purchased this pack of black pipe cleaners during a Halloween clearance a Dollar Store.
I used x black pipe cleaners and black cord to create flowers. Twelve ( 12 ) pipe cleaners were
used. The black pipe cleaners were used to make four ( 4 ): loop petals to create
the flowers . I made 4 sets of flowers and glued them in the middle of the black circle. I folded
the black cords in half to create stems at the bottom of the flowers.
I spent most of Saturday afternoon creating this wreath. It turned out great and was easy to make.
Here is the final product:
I shared this blog and image of this wreath on my social medial sites. I hope if inspires Seniors, including myself,
to be more active each day. Online websites and videos has helped me start new projects that fit my lifestyle.
Most Senior Centers have opened back up. My city government provides transportation to the Senior Centers.
Here is are links for online friends who want to learn to make paper cones:
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